Measure your perfect fit in under 2 minutes
Measure your perfect fit in under 2 minutes
It’s so easy patients can do it themselves
There’s 4 bungies to ensure compression throughout your leg
Unlike with other compression garments, you can be confident in your ability to independently apply and adjust your EXTREMIT-EASE Compression Garment, making it easier to achieve compliance with your doctor’s protocols for compression therapy. The unique combination of zipper with large tabs and bungees makes it simple to activate EXTREMIT-EASE… even if you have dexterity issues. Just slide… zip… and COMPRESS!
Visit our application instructions page to see just how easy application can be.
Wash your EXTREMIT-EASE garment with ease
Easy to wash and maintain a clean garment/liner
Every garment comes with a washing machine safe mesh bag
Our Garments and liners are built to last
Visit our washing instructions page to see just how easy maintaining a clean garment can be.